5 Easy Ways: How to Grow Basil at Home? How To Care? How to Plant?

If you want a fresh smell to come to your nose while you are sitting on the balcony while you are passing from room to room, this article, which contains the answers to the questions of how to look Basil, will help you very much. Basil, full of cures, is effective enough to keep fresh insects away while creating fresh air at home. Here is the most curious information of those who want to grow basil!

Basil Care In A Pot At Home

It is a potted plant known for its sweet basil fragrance and mixed with basil plants from time to time. Basil is both added to food and used to keep insect-like creatures away from home.

Basil care is applied in many homes as is quite effortless. If you’re looking for easy-to-maintain plants, if you’re keen on plant nutrition, basil is perfect for your home!

Basil care will never tire you at home. Basil, which is famous to be grown from seedlings, can be grown easily after the information we will now offer you.

You’ll get all the care tips of basil in your house! If you’re looking for a new hobby, you can start by growing basil.

This page contains all the details of basil cultivation, which is both economical and enjoyable.

How to grow basil at home? Photo Credit: Shutterstock

In 5 Simple Steps: How to Grow Basil at Home?

Step 1

• Those who want to grow basil recently prefer to grow seedlings rather than seeds.

• Plant lovers who cannot wait until the seed sprouts, seedlings, and set out with a few applications at home.

• When you want to grow basil, you can buy basil seedlings from greenhouses or convenience store.

• When you bring home the seedling you have taken, you must transfer it to the new pot.

• If you have obtained the seedlings, let’s examine what you need to do to grow basil at home, respectively.

You need to put the basil seedling in a large pot.
You need to put the basil seedling in a large pot. Photo Source: www.wikihow.com

Step 2

• You need to put the basil seedling in a large pot. For this, you must first choose the soil that adapts to the basil.

• Basil loves mineral-rich and nutritious soils.

• It must also have the ability to pass water.

• When the basil’s soil is humus and mineral, efficient results are obtained. let’s examine what you need to do to grow basil at home, respectively.

Step 3

• You can choose concrete, stone, ceramic or plastic pot in which you planted basil.

• Be sure to take care that the under is perforated. The whole pot will save the plant from rotting at times of excessive watering.

• We recommend that you do not prefer pots smaller than 25 cm.

• If you take good care of basil, it can grow a lot and slow the growth of the small potted plant.

Step 4

• Fill half the pot of your choice with soil and drill a well in the middle.

• Place basil seedlings in the middle space and pour soil around the basil, taking care not to press it.

• Shake the pot once or twice and mix the seedling and the soil.

• Now you can proceed to the necessary step for the soil to attach to the seedling.

Step 5

• Give the first water, that is life water, to basil which was taken from the seedling bag to the new pot.

• Life water should be rested water. You can water the soil before it suffocates. The water you give will combine the seedling and the added soil.

• If you think you are giving too much water, remove the pot of the pot and let the water drain.

• Now it’s time to care for basil in the pot and choose location!

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How to care basil?

How To Care For Basil At Home?

1) Positioning

• When you say how to care for basil, you may remember that there are very easy and practical answers to this question.

• Basil loves semi-shaded areas.

• You must keep plants out of darkness.

• On windy and rainy days, you can take inside the flower pot. It has a delicate structure that is affected by severe weather.

• You can put basil, which needs to see the sun for at least 4 hours a day, in bright corners.

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2) Water Requirement

Basil care can be easily done at home in a flower pot.

• The water needs of the plant are met by controlling the soil.

• According to the climate 1 time per week or 2 times may request irrigation.

• If it is dry soil of a plant, you can control with your hand and make irrigation.

• You can adjust the amount of water according to the size of the pot and the frequency of the plant.

• 1 cup of water will suffice for a medium-sized pot.

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3) Pruning

• Basil may ask for pruning from time to time. You can prune efficiently growing basil with your hand or scissors.

• When pruning, you should throw away the rotten leaves.

• You need to cut through the top leaves for the basil to constantly refresh and refresh itself.

• You can eat the cut basil leaves and add them to your salads.

• If the yellow leaves attract your attention, you can tell that the plant needs vitamins.

4) Fertilization

• There is no need to fertilize basil used in the kitchen.

• You can give a small amount of fertilizer for the basil that grows in the garden.

• You can supplement vitamins instead of fertilizing. Vitamin for the basil plant can be obtained from stores selling pesticides.

• If you want to renew the pot, you have to choose natural humus soils.

How To Dry Basil?

You can use the basil in meals on the day you collect it. Basil leaves, which contain plenty of vitamins, will add health to your health and give your meals a fresh taste.

You can consume basil fresh and dry. To use fresh, collect from the pot, and add to the dishes by passing through the water.

When you prefer dry basil, dry and keep the excess fresh basil in your hand.

To dry the basil in the best way; Collect from the branches and wash them well.

Separate the thick stems of the washed basil.

Rest the basil leaves in a dust-free location on a clean cloth.

In a sun-exposed area, basil on the cloth begins to dry within 3 days.

You can crush the dried basil with your hand and put them in a jar.

You can store dry basil in a cool, indoor environment.

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