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Grow Lemon at Home (6 Tricks)
Lemon growing has now been a hobby and an area of organic farming. Let’s list the information that will increase the yield for those who want to grow lemon on the balcony and in the home environment as follows:
• You must keep the location of the lemon pot fixed. Constantly changing position loses pot yield.
• Lemon soil does not like to stay dry. You should take care to create a humid environment.
• If you are taking action at home with a lemon plant we recommend you create two pots. Because lemon grows healthier if you have another lemon tree next to it.
• If there is water left in the potting plate after watering, you should pour this water.
• It is recommended to take the lemon pot to the airy environment in spring. Because the lemon plant in the airflow more quickly flowering and gives fruit.
• You start to smell lemon flowers in spring. So if you care regularly during winter days, you can make yourself happy with flowers of the lemon tree when spring comes.
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Ingredients You Need To Grow Lemons At Home
Those who say how to grow lemon in a pot are offered two different options: they can choose the method of growing a lemon from the seed and the branch.
If you’re thinking about growing lemons from the seed, it’s going to be a long time ahead of you. When you say that you want to grow lemon by sprouting from a branch, you will have progressed for a few years. You can start preparing the materials on our list to provide general growing conditions:
- Lemon seed.
- Spray bottle.
- Peat.
- Paper towels.
- Bag.
- Lemon seedling.
- Pot.
How To Grow Lemon From Seed? (Step to Step)
1) Clean Seed
• You need the core of a good lemon to grow lemon. For this, lemon seeds are produced first.
• Found lemon seed are separated beautifully from the lemon.
• The membrane outside the seed is cleaned.
• The cleaned core will look like dry corn.
• At this point, the other stage is waiting for you.
2) Prepare Germination Environment
• A moist environment is needed for the germination of the lemon core. An artificial moist area is created for this.
• Water is squeezed into a paper towel with a spray bottle and seeds are stored in the wet area.
• Cover the paper towel and spray the water on it again.
• The purpose is to keep the towel paper moist.
• You should put this towel in a bag and cover your mouth nicely.
• The seeds begin to germinate with oxygen in the bag.
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3) Wait 10 Days
• You should keep the towel paper in the bag in a dark area for about 10 days.
• When you open the bag and check seeds at the end of 10 days, you will see the seeds sprouting.
• What will happen to these seeds? Let’s move on to the next step.

4) Transport to Flower Pot
• You should transfer the sprouting seeds to a medium-sized pot.
• Fill half the pot with soil during transfer.
• Place the seeds so that the germinated part of the seeds is close to the soil.
• The last soil you will throw in the pot should be in such a way as to allow cores to take the air.
• Finish the process of moving to the pot without covering surface too much.
• The seed that sprouts after about 1 month begins to give leaves and grow.
•, In this case, begins the painstaking care process.
• If you chose the pot in a small size, you can turn the pot into a big size.
• The only action you will take after this time; checking and maintaining the growing seedlings daily.
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How To Care For Lemon Tree In A Flowerpot?

1) Flowerpot Selection
• If you have a small garden, you can think about how to grow a lemon tree in the garden.
• Until the lemon tree reaches a certain size, we recommend growing it in a pot. You can choose the pot size of 15 liters to strengthen the roots.
• If you want to grow lemon in the home environment or on the balcony; decorative medium-sized pots will make your work easier.
• There are holes in the base of the pot, allowing the breath of the plant. Keep that in mind.
2) Soil Type
• The soil type required for lemon seedling must contain 90% peat.
• If you choose soil containing organic fertilizer, you will provide the best conditions for seedling growth.
• To grow lemon seedlings, you can get soils with a high rate of clay and humus.
• Mediterranean soil is very suitable for this plant.

3) Watering
• Lemon trees grow in moist and hot areas. Lemon trees, seen in abundance on the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, will want the same care when grown at home.
• Lemon, who wants plenty of water, gives bitter fruit when dehydrated.
• We recommend that you do not leave the lemon plant dehydrated during spring and summer periods.
• When you want plenty of water, we recommend that you avoid watering enough to rot the soil.
• If the soil becomes muddy, the plant begins to rot. It is therefore recommended to water in a controlled manner.
• By watering in the evening during summer days, you can facilitate the growth of lemon seedlings.
Read More: Dehydration: 6 Things that can Cause Dehydration (Watering Plant)
4) Positioning
• Lemon plant looking for the sun during the sprouting phase likes to take the sun directly.
• May be exposed to freezing and drying in the cold. So in the case of home-grown, you can put the pot in the corners that take in the sun.
• If you are not in a sunny city, you may benefit from artificial lights prepared for plants.
5) Fertilization
• If you want to fertilize the pot while growing lemons at home, we do not recommend giving animal fertilizer.
• You can give fertilizer to the plant during the flowering period.
• Sterile and organic fertilizer can be useful.
• You can benefit from organic fertilizers containing zinc and boron.
6) Temperature
• Lemon tree is a plant that loves heat. It has resistance up to 45 degrees.
• When the temperature is -8 degrees, the lemon plant loses its vitality and rots.
• Completes the best growth between 12 and 23 degrees during the flowering period.
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7) Pruning
• Lemon Tree should be pruned to breathe more easily.
• But the pruning period takes place after a certain period.
• It is correct not to cut branches larger than 5 cm.
• It is important that each branch is larger than each other.
• If you prune every branch in the same way, they cannot get the sun equally and leaf development is weakened.
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