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What Are Benefits Of Chamomile?
Chamomile was used especially as tea in ancient Greek. The flowers of this plant, which is unique to chamomile family of Asteraceae, are often used to make tea.
It has a slightly aromatic and bitter taste. Chamomile is generally used by alternative medicine practitioners to solve sleep problems.
Chamomile plant is a very popular plant both as a tea and as aromatherapy.
Chamomile, which is useful for opening bronchial obstruction in both options, opens airways, decreases stress in body and affects levels of hormones, especially when used as tea.
When used as a chamomile oil, facilitates breathing. Therefore, is an important solution known for chest congestion.

Health Benefits Of Chamomile
1) It Helps Digestion: One of the most well-known health benefits of chamomile is that is effective for elimination of problems in digestive system.
To improve digestion, gas trapped in intestines, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting is useful for preventing.
Colics can also be supportive for treatment of other conditions, such as gastritis, stomach ulcers.
2) Good for Cholesterol: It can also reduce high cholesterol levels due to fact that choline contains vitamins that favor removal of fat in blood.
For this reason, people with cholesterol problems are advised to consume chamomile tea during day to normalize or control situation.
In this case, appropriate food program for cholesterol should be applied and chamomile tea should be taken as reinforcing support.
Editor’s Pick:
3) Good for Sleep: This plant, especially when consumed as tea, can be effective to calm nerves and good for sleepiness.
Thanks to soothing properties, it can help relieve symptoms produced by depression or stress. Chamomile, which is a medicinal plant, is one of the best ways to fall asleep.
4) Relieves Muscle Aches: One of areas of use of chamomile is that is useful to relax muscles. In local stores or pharmacies, there are chamomile ointments that can be applied directly to painful muscles.
If there are no ointments, chamomile tea can be drunk two or three times a day to relieve muscles. In this case, can also be very effective for muscle spasms caused by menstrual cramps.
5) Relieves Colic and Tooth Pain in Infants: It may be useful for colic in infants. Stimulation of stomach spasms can relieve baby’s abdominal pain. It may be a good alternative to drugs in this case.
It can also be taken in tablet form to alleviate teething pain. As always, is best to consult a doctor before using chamomile for baby.
6) Good for Diabetes: Chamomile-prepared teas may be useful because of their beneficial effects in treatment of diabetes. In one study, was observed that daily consumption of chamomile tea prevented progression of diabetic complications and hyperglycemia.
It may not replace drug in diabetic patients, but may help to balance blood sugar.

7) Good for Colds and Flu: It can help relieve symptoms although is not a cure for colds and flu. In preliminary studies, breathing of vapors containing chamomile extract can alleviate discomfort caused by upper respiratory tract infection.
This benefit of chamomile is associated with anti inflammatory compounds.
8) It Strengthens Immune System: A small study published in Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that drinking chamomile tea increases antibacterial compounds in body.
Researchers emphasize that regular consumption of chamomile tea may be beneficial, but studies should continue to understand that works completely. However, can be useful to fight colds by affecting immune system.
9) It is Antiseptic and Antibiotic: This oil especially cleanses body and prevents infection. In this case, can be an excellent product used on skin and hair.
Moreover, it does not harm scalp. It can also kill lice. Chamomile stops spread of existing infections and ensures treatment.
10) It is Painful: Many migraine sufferers rely on chamomile features to relieve and relieve headaches. It is also effective in relieving sore muscles and joint pain.
It reduces pain, and sometimes can cause swelling. On the other hand, is able to fight tooth decay.
11) Anti-inflammatory: Europeans make chamomile a cream and is apply as a topical. In this case, creates wonders for relaxing skin that is irritated. In addition, softening skin, reducing rashes, can be useful for healing of sunburn.
According to University of Maryland Medical Center, chamomile is moderately effective in treatment of chronic skin disease eczema. Chamomile tea, chamomile bath or oil are among options to reduce inflammation.
12) It is Source of Antioxidants: It is a powerful antioxidant. It has special and sensitive antioxidant compounds that make chamomile an effective alcoholic tincture or essential oil.
These compounds can reduce inflammation and prevent damage to free radicals and cell mutations.
The antioxidant properties of chamomile are associated with immune system function. Mood disorders, pain, swelling can be useful in situations such as. It is also helpful for skin, hair, nails, teeth and eyes.
13) It Struggles With Cancer: Recent studies suggest that daisies have anti-cancer properties. Chamomile stops growth of cancerous tumor and provides a natural cancer treatment.
The skin, prostate, breast and ovarian cancer that is caused by inhibition of cancer cells helps to combat cancer.
14) Preserves Heart Health: Recent studies have shown that daisies protect against cardiovascular health. In older men who consume chamomile due to high levels of flavonoids, risk of death is reduced as a result of coronary heart disease.

Other Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea
Chamomile essential oil is an anti-antispasmodic, anti-septic, antibiotic, antidepressant, antineurgalic, anti-inflammatory, gas reliever, cholagogue, cicatrant, emenagogue, analgesics, fever reducer. It is also a tonic for liver and digestive system
✓ Chamomile tea is used as an ointment to accelerate healing of wounds. According to studies, chamomile water accelerated the healing process.
✓ According to some studies, chamomile juice can help people with diabetes. It is also useful for hyperglycemia.
✓ Chamomile juice, which is antibacterial, prevents bacterial diseases and infection, supports treatment.
✓ According to a study conducted in UK, chamomile tea is soothing muscle spasms.
✓ For this reason, is recommended for women especially for menstrual periods where are intense cramps.
✓ This tea is a great way to relieve stomach. It helps in conditions such as poor digestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by calming muscles and internal level of intestine.
✓ It is good for insomnia and improves quality of sleep. It has been used for centuries to treat insomnia.
✓ It prepared cold tea ointment can help to relieve hemorrhoids.
✓ Researchers have discovered that chamomile tea can reverse the growth of cancer cells. this tea can help reduce cancer cells.
✓ It with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties helps clean skin irritations such as eczema, acne and allergies.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Chamomile Oil?
✓ Chamomile oil, which has a fire-reducing properties, allows elimination of toxins from body, as well as reducing fever and cooling provides relief.
✓ Biotic infections can treat infections caused by bacteria and fungi. It has antiseptic and antibiotic properties to help with this situation.
✓ Chamomile oil is very useful for alleviating depression and similar mental states. Sadness, depression, frustration and laziness can eliminate emotions.
✓ In ancient times, this oil was used especially in young children to calm distress, anger and irritation. On the other hand, it is useful to treat inflammation in digestive system and urinary system. In addition, reducing blood pressure can prevent swelling of blood vessels.
✓ It is very useful for stomach, digestive system and liver. It promotes secretion of gastric juice and facilitates digestion. It also supports proper flow of safflower which is good for liver.
✓ It helps in treatment of diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism caused by accumulation of uric acid. Therefore, chamomile oil can alleviate problems such as swelling and edema.
✓ It is very popular in cosmetic world because of can remove scars on skin and face.
✓ As it has analgesic properties, it can reduce pain in muscles, joints, headaches, sinus, toothache and bone injuries.
✓ This oil destroys gas in stomach and intestines. At the same time, it can relax body at low blood pressure.
✓ It can be useful to relieve disorders on nervous system.
✓ It is a natural tonic. Keeps skin, muscles and internal organs healthy.
Benefits To Skin Of Chamomile Juice
✓ Powerful anti-inflammatory, can be useful for sensitive and acne-prone skin.
✓ Chamomile water, which is anti-fungal and anti-fungal against fungus, protects skin from all aspects.
✓ Small skin wounds with disinfection process can be treated
✓ It is capable of fighting free radicals that damage skin and prevents aging process from accelerating.
✓ A water, rich antioxidant, can help to reduce acne inflammation, rashes and small scars.
✓ Chamomile juice, a natural skin opener and skin moisturizer, keeps skin healthy and shiny.
✓ It is useful for skin care topicals to penetrate skin and increase effectiveness.
✓ Peeling skin, that is, soothing skin after peeling process.

Benefits To Hair Of Chamomile
✓ This tea prevents formation of inflammation.
✓ For this reason, supports production of collagen protein within body to stimulate hair to grow again.
✓ It removes dead cells from roots of hair that prevent hair from growing again.
✓ It is very effective for elimination of dandruff. Just rinsing hair with chamomile water can help to combat dandruff.
✓ The compounds found in this tea provide protection of pH balance. This prevents excessive sebum build-up on scalp and also nourishes hair.
✓ It is rich in Vitamin C and E, which is important for keeping hair shiny and soft. It also restores health of dry and damaged hair.
✓ It is very effective in preventing fractures. It also prevents hair from breaking.
✓ If your hair is dark, you can lighten your hair in natural ways by using chamomile juice. It will be enough to rinse hair with cold this tea.
Damages Of Chamomile
- It is generally considered safe, it can cause allergic reactions in some people.
- If you are allergic to any of chamomile family, you should avoid consumption of chamomile.
- Allergic reactions to chamomile can reach life-threatening proportions.
- During pregnancy, chamomile consumption should be avoided.
- In the same way, you should avoid consumption of chamomile during breastfeeding.
- Itmay interact with some medications.
- Therefore, adverse reactions may occur.
- If you are taking medicine to dilute high cholesterol or blood, chamomile may have a potential side effect.
- Because it has sedative effect in chamomile.
- In addition, if you take alcohol, anti anxiety medications, insomnia medications, you should avoid chamomile.
Plantshospital.Com Recommendations
- You can use chamomile as oil, topical cream or tea.
- Daily dose of oral consumption was determined as 9 to 15 g.
- Clinical studies have been carried out on garages made with 1000 ml of water and 8 g chamomile flowers.
- When choosing Daisy from markets or transfers, to obtain the most healing, head of flowers should be clean and smooth.
- In addition to eliminating insomnia, is best to drink chamomile tea, which also works as a diuretic, about 1 hour before going to bed.
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