11 Scientific Health Benefits Of Rose Hips (And How To Eat More Of It)

Rose hips a medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times. Because of contains high levels of vitamin C, it supports the immune system, especially in winter is used against colds and flu.

Rose hips, which has become popular with tea especially in recent years, is a plant that has been widely used for healing purposes throughout history.

It is used as a source of vitamin C, especially for diseases such as stomach spasms, stomach acid deficiency, stomach irritation, ulcer prevention, intestinal and stomach disorders. It is used to increase urinary tract and kidney diseases, gout, weight loss, chest diseases, and urinary flow.

What Are Rose Hips?

Rose hips plant, which resembles a wild prickly rose, is 1-3 meters tall and opens beautiful flowers and gives red bright fruits.

This plant, which usually consists of 5-7 leaves, is a fragrant plant that blooms in spring and gives red bright fruits like late summer.

Also fruit of rose hips, 1.5-2 cm. length is bright red. There are seedboxes in the body of the flower. According to recent studies on this herbal plant, it is an effective auxiliary solution, especially against weight and obesity. Extracts can lead to weight loss by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In terms of vitamin C rose hips 100 gr 1700 – 2000 mg. (orange 100gr =50 mg) corresponds to their values. In this case, contains about fifty percent more vitamin C than an orange.


Vitamins and Minerals in Rose Hips

What Are the Benefits Of Rose Hips?

Rose hips a plant known to be used for chest diseases in old societies. It is more popular with the Middle Ages.

In addition to being consumed as a plant in recent years, teas have entered into foods as marmalade in soups, and have served as a natural vitamin supplement.

There is also information about the use of rose hips by ancient Egyptians and Indians against diseases. Since is a plant rich in vitamin C, there is also a laxative and diuretic effect.

Rosehips was used syrup to protect children from diseases during the war in England.

What Are Rosehip Oil? What Are The Benefits? How To Use?

Rosehip essential oil contains vitamins, antioxidants, especially vitamin C and tannin, pectin, carotene and fruit acids.

When externally used, rose hips provide a variety of advantages for facial and skincare. Vitamin C, vitamin D, and B-carotene, vitamin A as a separate form of cell renewal by increasing skin renewal.

When absorbed through the skin, rosehip oil is particularly useful for cell membrane and tissue generation thanks to oleic, palmitic, linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) content.

Linolenic acid found in rose hips one of the essential fatty acids needed to perform various physiological functions of our body properly.

Essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the body, so they must be taken from outside through supplements or nutrients.

Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid present in oils that are found in intercell membranes and are mostly organic. Linoleic acid is most common in vegetable oils and seed oils.

Editor’s Pick:

What Diseases Are Good Rosehips?

1. Delays Aging

Antioxidant in rose hips delays aging. As a result of antioxidant, will prove a full anti-aging care and moisture balance in the longer term. Vitamin C and vitamin A stimulate collagen production.

Vitamin A helps you maintain your moisture balance and maintain a fresh skin that is well maintained for a long time and away from signs of aging. Instead of using chemicals, you can use rose hips to have a younger look.

You can achieve the eve same effect thanks to rosehip tea. It will provide Herman effects for wrinkles and fine lines.


2. Protects Skin

It is also effective on skin spots caused by the harmful rays of the sun. Over time spots and discoloration of skin has been exposed to sun.

Antioxidants in rose hips will provide you with successful results by fighting against free radicals that damage skin.

Vitamin A combined with essential fatty acids of rosehip oil helps to improve skin tone, tex, ure, and pigmentation. However, is important that this use is in the der supervision of a doctor.

3. Effective In Treatment Of Eczema And Acne

It helps the treatment of eczema, prevents its formation of acne. The essential fatty acids found in the rose hips effects of eczema and help to remove color changes and subsequent trace s.

Also, prevent dryness of scalp caused by chemical shampoos.

4. Improves Immune System

It strength the ens immune system. Rosehip oil, vitamin C is one of rich sources. Vitamin C is important to treat infections and strengthen thee hen immune system.

All parts of our bodies are available including our bones, skin, tendon cartilage age, blood vessels, teeth.

In addition to being an antioxidant, rosehip is an important element in the structure of bones and muscles in the body. It also helps to absorb iron, which produces red blood cells.

Editor’s Pick:

5. Reduces Calcification

Osteoarthritis, known as calcification Hamon on population, has been reduced in people who have used rosehip tea according to a study conducted at the University of Maryland.

For this reason, rosehip tea is expressed as an excellent option to reduce inflammation than the body. Anyone who suffers from calcification can consume rosehip tea.

6. It Has Painkiller Effect

If you consume regular rosehip tea, you can take your time with painkillers. Several studies show that; regular pain is reduced in people who consume rosehip tea regularly.

As a result, a significant reduction in the use of painkillers was thus possible. On the other hand, is a natural inflammation reducer of auburn oil mixed with bathwater.

7. Good For Stomach

It is effective in removing stomach damage. Ulcer, stomach spasm, stomach acid deficiency caused by one of the natural treatment methods that can be used for health problems is to consume tea of rose hips.

However, these procedures must be approved by a physician. There are diseases such as rose hips, gall stones, gall bladder diseases, lower urinary tract disorders, kidney disorders, fluid retention (edema), gout, leg pain (sciatica), diabetes, high cholesterol, weight loss, chest pain for high blood pressure, fever, fatigue, increased urination in terms of immune system, water supply to thirst.

  1. Cleanses blood in the treatment of cancer and uterine diseases and menopause.
  2. It regulates blood pressure. Regulates blood sugar in diabetes.
  3. It is effective in the prevention of gallbladder stones and uric acid disorders.
  4. Rosehip tea opens the appetite.
  5. It is known to be effective in strengthening cognitive abilities and brain functions and in reducing stress.
  6. Regular use of rose hips provides weight control.
  7. Jam and marmalade increases sexual power.

Common colds, sore throat, nasal congestion, airway to clear congestion when you want to clear congestion rosehip tea is a perfect solution that allows you to breathe healthy.

It helps in the treatment of influenza, physical disability, infectious diseases and symptoms that help in the healing process.

If you want to reduce the risk of catching flu, you can brew all rose hips, including seeds, and consume 2-3 times a day at the beginning of each autumn and winter.

How to Prepare Rosehip Marmalade?

  • 1 kg Rosehips and some water.
  • Sugar (up to 30% of material)


  1. Wash ripe orange-red rose hips without waiting.
  2. Flowers and bottom parts are cut off.
  3. The marmalade is placed in pot. In pot to be boiled, water is filled on the surface.
  4. Rosehip is boiled until crushed.
  5. It is filtered with the help of boiling water until is soft.
  6. All this material is sieved after boiling.
  7. The material under sieve is re-cooked. In the meantime, surface foams should be discarded continuously.
  8. Add 30% sugar before removing pan from fire.
  9. With the addition of sugar,
  10. Rose hips on fire darkens.
  11. It is taken into the jar when is hot.
  12. It should not be opened until the date you want to consume.

What Are Damages Of Rose hips?

It should be noted that rose hips plant has more benefit than harm. However, in intensive use, each of the alternative methods may cause certain side effects.

Always consult a physician before consuming nutrients you know of benefits. If we talk about harms of rose hips which we talk about above,
x Rosehips, a plant rich in vitamins and minerals, does not have a known side effect but is useful to use at any intense use with a doctor’s recommendation.
x Intense consumption of rose hips may cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, headache, stomach cramps, constipation, fatigue, and insomnia.
x Intense consumption of rose hips may cause kidney stones.
x There is no information on use in pregnancy. However, a doctor’s recommendation must be taken before using it.
x Can cause an allergic reaction if you have a sensitive body.
x There are various discourses on the negative impact of rose hips on diabetes.
x Diabetes patients should consult a doctor for the consumption of rose hips.

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