What Is Saffron? How To Use? Benefits And Damages

Saffron is among the most popular plants in the world. Saffron’s are very effective foods contain, however, can give immediate results. Saffron’s unique taste, color, and properties are widely used in the field of alternative medicine worldwide.

The most important reason underlying the amazing contribution of saffron to health is that it contains rich vitamins and minerals as well as effective ingredients.

100 grams of saffron contains an average of 310 kcal of energy. Saffron, rich in protein, contains plenty of fiber. Besides all this, niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, vitamin C, sodium is rich in potassium.

Saffron also contains an excellent amount of manganese, as well as minerals vital to health such as iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, which are abundant in saffron.


14 Powerful Benefits Of Saffron

Saffron is mostly consumed as food, but it also contains compounds and chemicals that are medically used. In addition to the treatment of diseases, many products are used for health benefits. If we list the health benefits of saffron;

1.) Prevents Diseases: Saffron’s used is known to prevent diseases in food. It contains chemical components that prevent the diseases of saffron. Besides, the body has a relaxing feature.

2.) Essential Oils: Saffron mixes essential oils with amazing taste when consumed with other plants, thus providing many benefits. Some of the essential oils that saffron’s contains are cineol, pine, borneol, geranyl.

Editor’s Pick:

3.) Treatment: It is not only considered as a plant or spice in different cultures, it is also used as a means of detoxification and similar treatments in hot springs as a source of healing.

4.) Antidepressant: The components contained in Saffron’s prevent the deterioration of the acid balance which causes depression in the body. Because of this feature, saffron is widely used in the field of mental health.

5.) It Protects Cell Health: It protects cell health in the body, primarily in the blood cells of the gallbladder. Also, the number of cells contributes to a serious increase.

6.) Digestion Benefits: Because of its antioxidant properties, saffron is beneficial for the digestive system. Increases bowel movements as it helps eliminate constipation problems because of this feature makes it easier to lose weight.

7.) Heart Health: Because saffron is rich in potassium, it helps to keep blood pressure at healthy levels. Because of this, it indirectly contributes to heart health.

8.) Contribution To Blood Health: Because it protects the body from toxins and harmful chemicals, it also cleans the blood. In addition to contributing to the proliferation of blood cells, the iron factor contained in the blood cells to help make more oxygen.

9.) Optimum Health: Minerals such as calcium, vitamins, proteins in saffron are vital importance in terms of optimum health.

10.) Benefits To Skin Health: This plant contains important in terms of skin health. It is widely used in saffron skin masks to keep the skin clean and youthful.

  1. To get a smooth and healthy skin, mix 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder,
  2. 2 to 3 cups of pure milk. Apply this mixture on your face and neck.
  3. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
  4. You can repeat the mixture here every two weeks.

11.) Acne Treatment: The antifungal content of saffron makes it effective for the treatment of acne, spots, and blackheads. To do this, you can do the following;

  1. • Mix 8-10 saffron and 4-5 basil.
  2. • Apply this mixture on your face for 10-12 minutes.
  3. • This application will help eliminate acne and acne problems.
  4. • Acne is a skin condition that affects the skin.
  5. • For more effective results, you face can apply saffron dipped milk twice a day.

12.) Improves Facial Tissue: You can use saffron to enhance facial tissue, for this purpose;

  1. • Apply to face and leave on for 10 minutes,
  2. • Then rinse with warm water.
  3. • Apply this mixture to your skin for 10-15 minutes.
  4. • This skin pack will help improve your facial tissue.

13.) Therapy Dry Skin: If you have a matte and dry skin, you can prepare lemon and saffron masks. While lemon cleansing skin, saffron gives shine. All you have to do is:

  1. • Mix the saffron with a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. • If you have dry skin, you can add a few spoonfuls of milk to this mixture.
  3. • Apply the mixture to your face. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
  4. • It also contributes to your complete skin health when you take a shower by mixing it with bathwater.
  5. • Cleans the skin and softens it.

14.) Benefits For Hair Health: Saffron’s health is also beneficial to hair health as well as other benefits. It can help to grow healthily of your hair.

  1. • Saffron is mixed with milk to encourage hair growth when applied to the mixing portion flows into the hair.
  2. • Besides, it can reduce the problem of baldness by reducing the pouring of existing hair.

Damages Of Saffron

It is thought that taking oral ingestion for medical purposes for 6 weeks does not pose a health risk.

Some possible side effects of saffron include dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, loss of appetite. May cause allergic reactions in some people.

Saffron’s intake by mouth seems unsafe. When taken in large quantities by mouth, it can cause yellow skin formation, poisoning of eyes and mucous membranes.

Also, vomiting, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, nose, lips, and eyelids bleeding and numbness can cause problems. High consumption of 12-20 grams and above can cause death.

İt’s consumption during pregnancy seems insecure. There are a few health experts who argue that the consumption of small amounts will not harm.

However, high levels of saffron can cause miscarriage during pregnancy.

There is not enough information about whether it is safe during breastfeeding. Most to stay on the healthy side, you need to consume a small amount.

This plant appears to affect mental health. Because some neural behaviors can adversely affect epilepsy, those with neurological problems, especially those with epilepsy, should consume under expert supervision.

Although it is beneficial for heart health, saffron can increase heart rate when consumed in an excessive amount. People with heart problems should pay attention to their consumption.

People with high blood pressure should take maximum care of their use. There’s information that the saffron lowers blood pressure.

PlantsHospital.Com Recommendations

1.) In this article, which deals with many benefits of saffron in terms of health, we see that it causes some problems in the case of misuse and overdoing.

2.) We recommend that people who struggle with certain diseases apply to their doctors before they consume saffron.

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