Table of Contents
Benefits Of Radish Juice
The main source of Chinese root vegetable radish juice has been traditionally used for centuries to help treat various diseases like gallstones. Radish Juice a good source of calcium, iron, fiber, vitamin K, B6, potassium, and phosphorus.
Vitamins And Minerals Found In 100 Gram Radish
- Vitamin C14.8 mg.
- Vitamin K 1.3 mcg.
- Niacin 0.3 mg.
- Vitamin B6 0.1 mg.
- Folate 25.0 mcg.
- Vitamin B1, 20.0 mcg.
- Pantothenic acid 0.2 mg.
- Choline 6.5 mg.
- Betaine 0.1 mg.
- Calcium 25.0 mg.
- Iron 0.3 mg.
- Magnesium 10 mg.
- Phosphorus 20.0 mg.
- Potassium 233 mg.
- Sodium 39.0 mg.
- Zinc 0.3 mg.
- Copper 0.1 mg.
- Manganese 0.1 mg.
- Selenium 0.6 mcg.
- Fluoride 6.0 mcg.
To prepare radish juice, you can cut the root and peel the Red shell. If you wish, you can also throw a solid fruit juicer with root and bark.
The taste may be a little too heavy, you can mix it with carrot and apple juice to soften. You will prepare a cocktail with an equal amount of radish, cucumber and green pepper juice, sinus congestion, bile and liver problems that can be good for many ailments.
Radish Juice And Jaundice: Radish juice that works with liver and cleans blood with antioxidant effect can be used as an aid in the treatment of jaundice. By increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood, reduces the damage that occurs in red blood cells. Black radish against jaundice is more recommended.
Hemorrhoids: Radish Juice can be used to relieve one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Facilitates digestion, relaxes intestines
Urinary Disorders: Radish juice increases urine production. It protects against kidney and urinary tract infections by cleansing the kidneys.
Weight Loss: Because it is slowly digested, it prolongs the feeling of fullness and helps to lose weight.
Skin Care: Containing some of the vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc and B complex vitamins, radish keeps the skin moist while preventing cracks caused by dryness.
Measures: Since there are very few scientific studies on the benefits of radish and radish juice, the use areas listed above are traditional forms of use among the public. If you are complaining about these disorders, you should go to a doctor to learn about professional treatment methods rather than treating yourself, and prevent further serious health problems that may occur.

What Are The Benefits Of Radish?
The Latin name Raphanus sativus and the motherland of the Mediterranean region. The composition of radish contains mustard essences, methyl mercaptan, gluconasturtiin, phenol, pentosane.
- There is an effect of stimulating the organism.
- It may be helpful to drink 1 teaspoon of radish juice against cold cough. Honey radish juice is useful for cough and whooping.
- Strengthens the liver.
- It is useful for those with high blood pressure with potassium content.
- High levels of glucosinolates, which have a protective effect against cancer.
- It contains fiber content and glucosamine compounds are protective against bowel cancer.
- Can be used to strengthen the gums.
- It opens the appetite.
- It facilitates digestion by its effect on the gallbladder.
- It stimulates the digestive system.
- A gas extractor.
- Run stomach and intestines, disinfect the intestines.
- Red antioxidant substance protects against cancer. Red radish is more beneficial than white radish.
- According to a study conducted in Singapore, regular consumption of vegetables by the radish group reduces the risk of lung cancer by 30% in non-smokers and by 69% in smokers.
- Radish juice may be useful for gallbladder disorders.
- It contains folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron minimalism.
- The E commission responsible for the preparation and licensing of herbal preparations of the Ministry of health of Germany has approved the use of the black radish root in functional diseases of indigestion, bronchitis, gallbladder, and gallbladder.
- Red Radish has more antioxidant effect than white radish.
- Black Radish is one of the most useful types of radish in terms of impact.
Benefits Of Radish With Honey
• Medium size radish grate after is mixed two tablespoons with honey, wait 5 hours and squeeze the pulp. Take one teaspoon of honey several times a day.
• The radish juice obtained by the kitchen robot is kept in the fridge for a while to lose the burning taste. Then it is mixed with honey and consumed. It should be used fresh every time.
• The use of mustard oil as a cure should not exceed 6 weeks as it may affect the irritation of the stomach mucosa.
• When eating radish should be eaten without salt.
• Warning: Stomach problems may cause burning and gas in the stomach, so those with stomach problems should not consume too much.
- Excessive consumption of oxalate can cause mineral loss. Oxalates cause the Elimination of calcium and iron minerals from the body.
- People who shed oxalate stones from their kidneys should not eat too much.
- Because radish reduces the body’s absorption of iodine, it is advisable for those who eat too much radish to consume iodine-rich foods and iodized salt.
Nutritional Values of Radish: (100 grams)
- Vitamin A: 30 IU.
- Thiamin 0.03 mg
- Vitamin C: 24 mg.
- Phosphorus: 31 mg.
- Potassium: 130 mg.
- Calcium: 37 mg.
- Iron: 1.0 mg.
- Carbohydrate: 4.2 g.
- Protein: 1.2 g.
- Calories: 20 g.

Very helpful, my mother drinking two 8oz glasses of radish juice a day, including leaves. Is there any possible side effects. Heard one study say there could be arsenic concerns when drinking to much. Need to know more. Has high blood pressure and must watch blood sugar