Plants Hospital

11 Proven Health Benefits Of Passionflower: Uses, Dosage & Warnings


Passionflower plant is known for sedative (sedative and relaxing), hypnotic (sleep transmitter), anxiolytic (anxiety reliever), analgesic (pain reliever) and antispasmodic (spasm reliever) effects. What is Passionflower? Passionflower can be used as a 45-ml extract daily or against the anxiety disorder in the form of…

12+ Evidence-Based Health Benefits Of Clove Tea: Uses & Warnings


Clove tea is a herbal tea prepared with cloves, thought to have beneficial and healing qualities. Most of the benefits from drinking clove tea are caused by an organic compound known as eugenol and found in the clove. Clove tea can be used to…

10+ Superb Benefits Of Original Lavender Tea: Uses, Warnings & More

Medicinal plants

Among the benefits of lavender tea is often used to treat physical pain, including anxiety, depression, insomnia and headaches, and toothache. It is also used topically in skin and hair treatments, as well as in lotions and creams to treat wounds and pain. Fragrant…

Top 10 Natural Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite: (Homemade Treatment)


If you want to get rid of cellulite, you may want to know some home treatments consisting of medicinal plants. These natural home treatments will reduce your cellulite. Hormones, genetic factors, and an unhealthy lifestyle are the main causes of cellulite. Cellulite is irregular…

8 Health Benefits Of Tomato Juice: 8 Strong Reasons To Drink More


Benefits Of Tomato Juice Tomato juice is considered one of the best superfoods because of contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, vitamin K, B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6, as well as magnesium, iron, and phosphorus, are found naturally in tomato juice.…