Plants Hospital

12 Superb Benefits Of Chinese Tea: Why Drink More Chinese Tea?


What is Chinese Tea? Especially green Chinese tea is the most common type of Chinese tea. Green Chinese tea, which has a fresh aromatic flavor, also stands out with benefits provides to the body. While unfermented Chinese tea is called green tea after has…

Fig Leaves: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And Recommendation


The fig leaves are rich in omega-3, omega-6, vitamins A, B, C, and contains high amounts of iron, calcium, and phosphorus. The fig leaves, which is good for the digestive system and cancer. Because of fibrous food, is consumed in digestive system complaints such…

11 Amazing Benefits Of Jade Stone: Jade Stone Massage & Meaning


Jade stone is the stone that protects you from magic. It is also known as the happiness stone. It collects negative electricity in the body, throws out, and relieves a person from stress. Jade allows us to have beautiful dreams. It is effective against…

Top 15 Benefits Of Pyrite Stone: Uses, Properties, Warnings & Meaning


Pyrite stone with golden spots on it is recommended for stomach pains and indigestion problems. We can say that the pyrite stone benefits, which are also effective in the digestive system, will also be effective for blood circulation. Miracle stone, which has a regulatory…

10 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Sage: Nutritional Facts, Uses & More


Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a medicinal herb used in the treatment of pain, diarrhea, colds, digestion, and mental problems. It can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The abundant antioxidant compounds found in the plant are beneficial for brain health and are especially protective…