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Ginkgo Biloba Tea
All About Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba tea is unique in many ways. Also known as the “maidenhair” tree, it blooms only at night and sheds its blossoms immediately. Its fruit is said to stink of rancid butter. And it is a survivor.
The ginkgo is often referred to as a “living fossil” The term was coined by Charles Darwin and refers to a living species that has no close living relatives. The ginkgo species dates back over 270 million years to the era of dinosaurs.
That is all the more amazing when you realize that the average plant species may survive only a few million years.
The medicinal history of ginkgo biloba is also long. Chinese records are believed to mention using the leaves as far back as 2800 BC to improve blood circulation and lung function. Fifteenth-century records mention the use of the leaves for skin wounds and diarrhea.
Scientists have identified more than 40 components in ginkgo biloba. So far only two – flavonoids and terpenoids – seem to have medicinal properties.
Flavonoids are plant-based antioxidants that have been shown to protect the nerves, heart muscle, blood vessels, and retina from damage. Terpenoids (such as ginkgolides) are known to improve blood flow.
A single ginkgo biloba tree can live as long as 1,000 years although one Daoist temple in Chinese claims a tree in its courtyard is about 10,000 years old. And in 1945 six of the trees are said to have survived in Hiroshima in the devastated area around the impact of the atom bomb.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Ginkgo Biloba?
Recently, extensive research on the herb has been conducted on the healing properties of the leaf extract. Germany and France have run hundreds of studies on the leaf extract.
These studies along with similar studies in America have shown significant results. The extract of ginkgo biloba has been studied for its effectiveness in the treatment of acrocyanosis,
Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral atherosclerosis, cerebral insufficiencies, cochlear deafness, dementia, depression, menopause, peripheral and cerebral circulatory stimulation, peripheral vascular disease, Raynaud’s syndrome, retinopathy, senility, short-term memory loss, tinnitus, vascular diseases, and vertigo.
It is said to be effective in improving the blood flow to the hands and the feet as well as stimulating the brain and reducing short-term memory loss.
It increases blood flow to the brain, the uptake of glucose by brain cells, and has been said to improve the transmission of nerve signals.
Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by opening up blood vessels and making blood less sticky. It is also an antioxidant. For those reasons, ginkgo may improve vein and eye health.
Although not all studies agree, ginkgo biloba may help treat dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) and intermittent claudication, or poor circulation in the legs.
It may also protect memory in older adults. In your body, harmful particles called free radicals build up as you age, and may contribute to heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Antioxidants like those found in ginkgo fight off free radicals, and stop them from damaging DNA and other cells.

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Helps Treat Migraines
An Italian study of 24 adolescents found that Ginkgolide B, A constituent of ginkgo biloba, was effective as a preventative treatment in reducing migraine frequency and lowered the need for migraine medications.
Another Italian study of 50 women showed that Ginkgolide B reduces migraine frequency and duration. Patients taking 60 mg of ginkgo biloba twice a day for four months reduced the average number of migraines from 3.7 to 1.2, and reduced length of migraines on average from 40 minutes to 17.6 minutes.
Ginkgo Biloba might be an effective way to naturally remedy frequent headaches and reduce the rate and severity of migraines since it reduces pain, increases blood vessel dilation, and combats stress that can all trigger an attack.
Headaches can be triggered by stress, fatigue, allergies, eyestrain, poor posture, alcohol or drugs, low blood sugar, hormones, constipation, and nutritional deficiencies. The amazing benefits that ginkgo biloba has on our stress and fatigue go hand in hand with its ability to lessen headache tension.
Lowers Symptoms of Asthma
It is good for asthma and bronchitis. Two cups of ginkgo biloba tea a day morning and evening can alleviate asthma attacks. Ginkgo biloba leaf tea when consumed regularly, can help to open bronchial tubes. Ginkgo biloba tree tea can also reduce the harm caused by smoking cigarettes.
Some studies have found ginkgo extract can reduce asthma-related symptoms. Because it lowers inflammation, improves antioxidant activity, and has positive effects on nerve functioning, people have reported less trouble breathing when taking ginkgo.
Read More: 8 Wonderful Plants To Help You Cure Asthma Naturally (With Picture)
Improves Vision Health
The second most common reason for using ginkgo biloba is its powerful effect on vision. Not only do the antioxidants in ginkgo biloba help to keep the ocular system clear of oxidative stress, thereby preventing macular degeneration and cataract.
While more evidence is still needed, ginkgo appears to be beneficial for eye health since it improves blood flow to the eyes and fights free radical damage that can harm the cornea, macula, and retina.
It might be especially beneficial for older adults in preserving vision and lowering UV damage or oxidative stress to eye tissue.
Helps Heal Hemorrhoids
Certain studies have found that ginkgo biloba benefits people experiencing painful hemorrhoids, which cause swelling, pain, and bleeding because of an increase in pressure on the veins of the anus and rectum.
It can help lower pain, improve pain tolerance and decrease inflammation, which helps to stop bleeding associated with hemorrhoids, making ginkgo biloba an effective hemorrhoids treatment.
Heart Health
Ginkgo biloba extract has also been linked to lower blood pressure and an elimination of blood clots throughout the cardiovascular system.
These two side effects, when combined, can be a major boost to heart health, as dilating blood vessels reduced the strain on the heart, while the anti-clotting capability significantly reduces your chances of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.

Boosting Human Libido
One of the most vital effects experienced after using the Ginkgo biloba herb is the increase in blood circulation.
Sufficient blood circulation is responsible for maintaining the ideal body energy levels while ensuring that our bodies get the full unaltered benefits from the foods, vitamins, and herbal supplements we consume.
The herbal remedy has been proven to increase libido in both men and women while treating impotency related issues, particularly in men.
This is often attained by effectively increasing the required genital blood flow, thus heightening responsiveness resulting in a higher libido.
Impaired blood flow and poor circulation through the penis are the main causes of impotency hence using the herbal infusion to increase circulation is likely to get rid of the condition.
Nervous System
Although the exact pathway is not completely clear, GBE seems to exert a positive influence on the nervous system, speeding up reaction time and lowering your chances of nervous disorders.
This combination of chemicals and compounds is not found in any other plant, which is why many of the purported health benefits of ginkgo biloba are somewhat mysterious and difficult to “prove”, as there are no other types of plants on which to test comparative hypotheses.
Reduction in symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Raynaud’s disease have both been shown to be linked to ginkgo biloba consumption.
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Cancer Prevention
The high level of antioxidants found in ginkgo biloba, including the rich variety of terpenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenolic compounds, all combine to eliminate free radicals throughout the body, the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism that attack healthy cells and either cause apoptosis or mutation into cancerous cells.
With such a diverse range of antioxidants, ginkgo biloba can help to keep the entire body protected from chronic disease, most notably cancer and heart disease because free radicals weaken the blood vessels walls of the cardiovascular system.
Depression Management
Patients who have been diagnosed with mild depression may benefit greatly from using Ginkgo Biloba extracts or tea to manage their medical condition.
Older patients, particularly have shown remarkable improvement when using the herbal remedy to treat their ailments and may often end up renouncing the use of antidepressants as they perceive Ginkgo to be the best treatment alternative while shunning conventional pharmaceutical treatments.
Individuals suffering from varying levels of vascular insufficiency can also experience a notable improvement in their moods after using the extract.
Many people, especially the elderly have found ginkgo biloba effectively treat cases of depression resulting in its widespread popularity.
One of the most “pop culture” uses of ginkgo biloba is as an anti-aging secret. While many of the claims are a bit exaggerated, the antioxidants in GBE do help the skin remain tight and healthy, slowing the appearance of wrinkles and other age spots as helping to speed up wound healing and lessen the appearance of scars.
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Recommended Dosage of Ginkgo Biloba (The Important Information)
Effects of ginkgo biloba seem to be dose-dependent so the more you take the bigger results you may see although you still should carefully stick to recommended values.
Depending on the condition, doses can range from 40 to 300 milligrams daily. Some people have reported results in lowering pain and nervousness while taking lower doses around 40 milligrams daily, while other studies have found better cognitive improvements at around 120 milligrams daily.
Higher levels are likely needed for older adults and those who have existing hormonal imbalances, inflammation-related symptoms, cognitive impairments, and mood disorders.
You can find ginkgo in capsule, tablet, liquid extract or dried leaf form in most health food stores and also online. Look for it in standardized extract form containing 24 percent to 32 percent flavonoids (also known as flavone glycosides or heterosides) and 6 percent to 12 percent terpenoids (triterpene lactones)
Ginkgo Biloba Tea Side Effects
Individuals under anticoagulant medication, including warfarin and aspirin and those with blood circulation disorders, should refrain from using the herbal plant as they may experience various undesirable effects after consumption.
Other common, but mild side effects include vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. It is always considered wise to consult a medical practitioner or herbal expert before using any herbal infusion especially Ginkgo Biloba.
Due to the anticoagulant nature of ginkgo biloba, it can be dangerous to take for pregnant women, those who are menstruating, or anyone with blood disorders that don’t allow their blood to coagulate.
Even small injuries can be dangerous when a person’s blood is unable to clot. Furthermore, allergic reactions to ginkgo biloba are moderately common due to the presence of ginkgolic acids, some of which are similar to those found inca cashews of poison ivy.
Be careful when first using ginkgo biloba and always discuss your potential risk factors with a medical professional before adding this powerful herbal supplement to your regimen.
How To Make Ginkgo Biloba Tea From Leaves?
- 20 g of dried ginkgo biloba tea leaves
- 1l water
- Sugar or sweetener to taste
Steps To Follow To Make This Recipe (important):
Preparing a ginkgo biloba tea from leaves is very simple and only takes a few minutes. The first thing to grab 20g of ginkgo biloba dried leaves. In the meanwhile, in a pot or saucepan add 1 liter of mineral water and wait for this to reach boiling point, then reduce the heat.
Once the water has reached the maximum boiling point add the dried leaves of ginkgo biloba, cover the pot or pan and let it boil for at least 5 minutes.
It is important that once those minutes have passed you turn off the heat and let the mixture stand for some 10 minutes so all components and properties of the plant are soaked in the infusion that you will drink.
Finally, you just have to strain the mixture to remove all traces of the ginkgo biloba leaves and pour it into a jug. As simple as that!
What kind of herbal did u use for your wife Parkinson Disease ? I need the name. Bacause my mum suffers from it. I wait for your response
What kind of Herbal did u use for your wife Parkinson Disease Sir? I am very interested because my mom is suffering it. Please leave a comment
My wife was diagnosed of Parkinson’s Disease at age 49. She had severe calf pain, muscle pain, tremors, slurred speech, frequent falls, loss of balance, difficulty in getting up from sitting position. She was put on Senemet for 6 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet. During this time span she was also diagnosed with dementia. She started having hallucinations, lost touch with reality. This year, our family doctor started her on Natural Herbal Gardens Parkinson’s Disease Herbal mixture, With the help of Natural Herbal Garden natural herbs we have been able to reverse her symptoms using herbs, which i feel has made the most difference. 1 month into the herbal treatment she improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case of dementia, hallucination, weakness, muscle pain or tremors. She turned 56 today. i am glad to get my wife back
What herbal did u use for your wife Parkinson Disease Sir? I am very interested on this. I am looking forward for your response