Plants Hospital

Top 15+ Health Benefits of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.)


What is Quinoa? Quinoa is native to South America, where locals have cultivated it for thousands of years. It has a natural covering called saponin (a bitter resin that keeps birds away) and does not need to be treated for cultivation. For these reasons,…

8 Proven Health Benefits Of Kiwano: How To Eat? (An important notes)


The benefits of kiwano (horned melon) include high levels of antioxidants, carbohydrates, high levels of protein. Kiwano (horned melon) is also known to have a large amount of vitamin A, calcium, iron, and nutritional fiber. The eaten part inside is notable for jelly-like structure…

30 Amazing Benefits Of Asparagus: How to Make And Uses & More


What is Asparagus? Salads, hearty soups, and olive oil dishes are preferred by many people in many countries. Asparagus, Artichokes, Black-Eyed Peas, Collard greens as vegetable dishes and salads often are among the vegetables. In this way, medicinal vegetables it is frequently preferred and like…

15 Science-Backed Benefits of Cocoa Butter: How To Use? And Warnings


The benefits of cocoa butter include high levels of antioxidant seeds, carbohydrates, high levels of protein. Also, cocoa butter contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, vitamin A, and caffeine. Cocoa butter is the stimulant property of the…

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Ginger Powder: How to Use? Warnings & More


Benefits of ginger powder include vitamin C and vitamin B6, ginger also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium minerals.  Ginger powder, which is used fresh or powdered after drying, is a source of healing for many ailments. It is beneficial against sore throats,…