Plants Hospital

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea And Plant

Chamomile tea

Top 7 Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea The use of chamomile for medicinal purposes in the traditional system of medicine is mostly guided by the pharmacopeias. The pharmacopeias are authoritative texts that specify how to identify the correct plant, which plant part is to…

High Cholesterol: Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment


What is High Cholesterol? Cholesterol is essential for the formation of bile acids, which allow you to be able to digest fats. Cholesterol is also utilized by the body to produce cell membranes. Everybody needs to have some cholesterol to be healthy, however, it…

What Is Aging? 12 incredible Anti-Aging Super Foods


What is Aging? Aging is defined as a genetic physiological process associated with morphological and functional changes in cellular and extracellular components aggravated by injury throughout life and resulting in a progressive imbalance of the control regulatory systems of the organism, including hormonal, autocrine, neuroendocrine…

What Is Eczema? – 8 Natural Home Treatments For Eczema


Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) is most common in infants where it occurs in around 1 in 5 children under 2 years of age. It can also occur in older children and adults but usually improves with age. Although eczema can be effectively…

19 Wonderful Health Benefits of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

ylang ylangoil

Cananga odorata, widely known as ylang ylang essential oil is a fastgrowing, medium-sized tree indigenous to lowland and lower montane tropical forests of the Indo-Pacific region. Ylang ylang essential oil is cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics in gardens for its exceptionally fragrant flowers, from which…

20 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Banana (With Video)

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Banana; when water is not limiting, growth is determined by temperature. Grown along the wetter, coastal fringe in Australia, the ocean’s warming influence allows bananas to be grown within subtropical climates – 20° to 30° south of the equator – although growth does slow…

12 Best Tips Of Growing Strawberries: How To Care For Strawberries?


Strawberries Growing Techniques • Growing Strawberries in the Field: Strawberries, a plant that can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees, loves sandy-loamy and light soils. It is difficult to grow strawberries in soils with a high lime rate. Strawberries planting has 4 planting times:…