Plants Hospital

12 Health Benefits of Onion Juice For Skin And Lungs (2022)

benefits of onion juice

Onions are incorporated in nearly every cuisine you eat. They enhance the flavor of all that you eat, and more profoundly, they provide us impressive health benefits. Onions are flowering plants in the Allium genus. Today we talk about the Benefits of Onion Juice.…

Amber Stone Meaning: Benefits, Uses, & Healing Properties (2022)

Amber stone meaning

Although Amber stone is considered a gemstone, it is petrified tree resin. It is an organic material used chiefly in making jewelry and decorative articles. Amber is generally orange or brown in hue and has a transparency spectrum. It has a Mohs hardness of…

Carnelian crystal meaning: Healing Properties, and Benefits

Carnelian meaning

The definitive guide on Carnelian’s crystal meaning and healing powers, applications, and meaning. Continue reading to learn how Carnelian can benefit your health. What exactly is Carnelian? (Carnelian crystal meaning) Carnelian is a mineral with a brownish-red hue widely used as a semi-precious gemstone.…

12 Arguably Health Benefits of Corn silk tea

Health benefits of Corn silk tea

Corn silk tea is prepared from corn silk — the long, silky strands found within the husks of corn ears. In this post Nutritional Fact Potential Health Benefits of Corn Silk Tea Potential Risks of Corn Silk Tea Corn silk is derived from the…

Discover The 12 Health Benefits of Oats (2021)

Health Benefits of oats

Oatmeal: What Is It? Avena sativa, commonly referred to as oats, is a whole-grain cereal that is a popular breakfast choice for people worldwide. The Health benefits of oats are plenty. It can lower cholesterol, help control diabetes and reduce the risk of heart disease…

Chai Tea’s 15 Remarkable Health Benefits


CHAI – WHAT IS IT? Chai has a rich history. The term “chai” is taken from the Hindi word for “tea,” which in turn was borrowed from the Chinese word for “tea,” “cha.” The Hindi term chai refers to a mixture of spices steeped…