If you’re seeking a new gemstone, Moldavite is a stunning piece that will infuse your collection with serene, ethereal greens.
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What exactly is Moldavite Stone?
Moldavite is a natural glass with an unusual formation; it is believed to have formed due to the heat from an asteroid impact 15 million years ago when the hot glass was flung across Europe and is still mined today. Technically, it is a Tektite, a category of impact glasses created by meteorite impacts. The chemical formula for this compound is as follows:
SiO2 (+Al2O3)
Moldavite has a Mohs hardness of between 5.5 and 7Oh, comparable to that of most other glasses. It may appear translucent or transparent, with swirls and bubbles highlighting the overall mossy green tone.
Where does it originate?
Moldavite is primarily found throughout Europe, mainly in the Rise and Steinem craters. These two craters are thought to have emerged 15 million years ago and crashed across Southeastern Germany, shattering apart as they neared and scattered fragments across Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic.

The majority of the Moldavite solidified in the air before impact, and a sizable fraction of it fell in the southern Czech Republic.
Moldavite has existed for how long?
Moldavite has been around technically since it fell on the Earth some fifteen million years ago. However, Moldavite was not introduced to the scientific community until 1786. The phrase relates to the Moldau River in the modern-day Czech Republic, the initial discovery site.
Later, in 1900, another scientist discovered the gravel-sized fragments and remarked that the surface’s creases and pits were highly similar to those found on meteorites.
As a result, he proposed that they originated from a meteor. Moldavite isotopic analyses have indicated that its composition is highly similar to those of meteor specimens now available.
Identifying a fake Moldavite
Moldavite imitations or fakes were quite popular, especially in the Czech Republic, where the stones occur naturally.
Around the mid-nineteenth century, Czech garnet or river pearls were utilized. The green bottle glass was not widely used in jewelry until the twentieth century.
However, regardless of how long fake Moldavite jewelry has been around, it’s crucial to understand how to spot a fake Moldavite.
In some instances, you may be looking at a forgery of Moldavite or green glass. Most Moldavite is transparent or translucent when examined closely, and interior swirls or bubbles frequently enhance its mossy appearance.
Lechatelierite, a mineraloid with no crystal structure, is not an actual mineral but is commonly found in meteorite impacts or lightning strikes. It has a bubbly appearance and is visible in sections of Moldavite where the material has cracked and expanded.
Because this mineraloid does not occur outside of these specific natural occurrences, fake Moldavites will be devoid of them.
If you examine a piece of counterfeit Moldavite green glass, you will notice that the colors and exterior designs are identical. Still, you will not see the bubbly inside of the lechatelierite.
The key to distinguishing original pieces from well-crafted counterfeits is to examine the texture and abundance of bubbles visible and check for a shiny or slightly damp appearance, which is a hallmark of legitimate pieces but not counterfeits.
Any faceted stone free of inclusions or bubbles and seems to be a clean or faultless piece of glass is almost certainly a fake.
Finally, it is up to you to ascertain the location of the mine. The invitation is undoubtedly a forgery if the gemstone was not mined in the Moldau River region in the modern-day Czech Republic.
Genuine sellers should be more than capable of supplying you with information about the location of the gemstone’s mining.
Why is Moldavite so expensive?
Moldavite is prohibitively expensive for several reasons. To begin, most Moldavite is found in layers dating from the middle to upper Miocene, when the craters formed.
Much of it has been buried deep in the Earth and is only found in a few locations, coupled with the craters’ impact. This takes lengthy and cautious efforts to remove it from the ground, which results in a hefty expense.
Second, the Moldavite in these areas is typically found in droplet-shaped particles with a diameter of only a few centimeters.
Given their minuscule size in their raw and natural state, the process of refining Moldavite as a gemstone and cutting it for use in jewelry delicately chips away at an already minute piece of Moldavite. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining larger pieces, even seemingly small gemstone pieces are relatively expensive.
Admittedly, since there is a limited supply of Moldavite and there is little chance of it naturally forming and appearing on Earth again, the price of Moldavite has increased due to this limited supply combined with increased demand from those more spiritually oriented who value its healing properties. As a result, several counterfeiters attempt to develop more realistic-looking surfaces on their imitation pieces.
What factors influence the price and worth of this gemstone?
As with most gemstones, their color and size determine Moldavite’s price and value. Moldavite of gem-quality is exceptionally fragile and should be handled with care.
Typically, you’ll find it on earrings, pendants, pins, or any piece of jewelry that is not routinely exposed to impact or potential abrasion. Moldavite’s durability is comparable to most manufactured glass, which means it cannot be utilized safely for items such as rings.
The Czech Republic has a high-quality portion of Moldavite, weighing 86.5 carats; however, most of the pieces are pretty small and delicate. Color is another aspect that affects the price and value.
Value in terms of color can be subjective for many gemstones; in this case, Moldavite is known for its unique properties and the seemingly extraterrestrial aspect of its formation, which has resulted in the green Shades being considerably more popular.
However, the droplet-shaped particles are found in actuality hues ranging from green to brown. Brown hues are typically less valuable and expensive than green hues.
Similarly, sections may appear somewhat yellowish rather than green with white streaks. Because it is a type of glass, it is frequently transparent or somewhat translucent, and the degree of clarity found in each piece affects its price and worth. So what are Moldavite’s medicinal properties?
Many think that Moldavite came to Earth to assist the world in transcending its current state, so Moldavite is frequently utilized in earth chakra healing ceremonies.
Moldavite is also an excellent stone to utilize if you like to magnify the vibrations of your other crystals. According to some, Moldavite possesses metaphysical capabilities, such as gazing into a more translucent gemstone piece.
At the same time, meditating makes it easier to connect with the greater energies of the cosmos and your higher self. Similarly, many think that Moldavite has its cosmic oversoul due to its origins, meaning those who own this gemstone will have an easier time connecting with any ascended masters.
Moldavite is considered to possess metaphysical characteristics that enable timelessness. As a result, many people find the stone beneficial when they wish to study a past life or their soul journey through time.
Healers use Moldavite to help remove emotions and clear the aura of any undesirable baggage from a previous life.
Finally, Moldavite is said to heighten self-awareness and aid those wanting to uncover emotions or feelings that keep them mired in unsatisfactory situations in the present. As a result, these individuals will be able to disentangle themselves from the circumstances that have trapped them in an unhappy present and go forward.
What’s behind Moldavite gaining so much popularity at the moment?
Moldavite has recently gained popularity because of its extraterrestrial associations and spiritual and metaphysical therapeutic powers. Many people equate Moldavite with transforming properties, and the fact that it is only found in one location on Earth means that it will ultimately deplete. There will be no more mineable material.
Moldavite is said to have a variety of therapeutic terms, both emotional and physical. Those who have begun to focus more on their chakras have enlisted the aid of Moldavite gemstones and jewelry:
• Wrap the necklace around the chest to help with the heart chakra for love and relationships
• Enhance memory and cognitive balancing abilities of the brain,
• Create a connection with their heart chakra and third eye,
• Use as a talisman to stave off bad luck
How to shop for Moldavite safely online.
When safely shopping online for Moldavite, you’ll want to be aware of not just the various grades of Moldavite and how to spot a fake from a genuine gemstone, but also the origin of the Moldavite.
When shopping online for Moldavite, it’s necessary to understand the many grades available.
• First, there is high-quality Moldavite, commonly referred to as Museum grade.
• Then, there is a medium-grade product.
• Finally, there is Moldavite in its regular state.
Their appearances can distinguish them. At the bottom rung, standard grade Moldavite is typically much darker and more saturated. They resemble seaweed in color and have a more worn texture with numerous pits or markings. Moldavite of regular-grade is supposedly sections of a larger piece.
Of course, there is a medium quality in the middle that is both color and texture-neutral.
On the other hand, Museum quality is substantially more translucent and will cost significantly more. Moldavite of the highest quality is typically kept for handcrafted jewelry. It contains fewer defects and may also be smoother on the outside.
Recently, Chinese manufacturers have made a concerted effort to replicate the weight and natural etching of Moldavite on imitations.
The refractive index values might help you in identifying high-quality gemstones. The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in one medium to the speed of light in another.
Moldavite and the speed of light in a vacuum.
While the simplest way to detect a fake from a genuine piece of Moldavite is with some rather expensive gear, the following table summarizes the features of imitation versus true Moldavite:
Chinese Imitations
19th Century Czech Imitations
From pale green to light brown
Light green
Light green
Inert in UV light
Chalky in short wave UV light
Inert in UV light
Absorption spectrum
Minimum at 550 nm
Maximum at 460 and 640
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Moldavite, would it change color or lose quality.
Due to the fragility of Moldavite, it is critical to preserve it with care. A soft-lined case with a polyurethane foam-lined cover can help you protect the gemstones.
Moldavite is classified as a gemstone, yet as previously stated, it is a meteorite glass. If the stone is submerged in water, it will deteriorate and dissolve.
Therefore, it is critical not to dip it in water and keep it free of impacts, abrasions, and similar things that can accelerate its deterioration over time.
If you leave it alone, wear it infrequently, and store it correctly while not in use, it is unlikely to degrade noticeably or change color.
However, some claim that it would change color according to your mood if used for spiritual purposes.