Plants Hospital

16 Unknown Health Benefits Of Orange Oil (2021)


India along with Brazil, China, and the United States of America accounts for almost half the orange oil production in the world. Oranges are some of the most commonly utilized fruits in the world due to their pleasant taste. and nutritional values. Because of the…

10 Amazing Benefits Of Tourmaline Gemstone 2021

10 amazing benefits of tourmaline gemstone 2024

Tourmaline stone is a semi-precious mineral similar to granite. With blue, green-blue, vivid yellow, and even black colors from Magenta, tourmaline takes it is named from the term ‘ tura mali ‘ which means stone mixed with vibrant colors. Tourmaline stone is the same color…

21 Amazing Benefits Of Unakite Stone (2021)

unakite stone healing stone

Benefits Of Unakite Stone Unakite Stone A relatively new gemstone, Unakite naturally combines two minerals, pink feldspar, and pistachio green epidote. Unakite Stone is a stone believed to facilitate a healthy reproductive system and pregnancy. It is principally mined in the United States. Unakite…

Top 6 Health Benefits of Blackberries (Surprising Facts 2022)

Health benefits of blackberries

Blackberries are a bitter type of berry and have a shiny, dark purple-black color. Blackberries have some health benefits, one of which is improving cognitive function. Today we will discuss everything you need to know about the Health Benefits of Blackberries. Cognitive functions refer…

Quartz Healing Stone Health Benefits (Guide 2021)

Quartz healing stone

What is quartz stone? Quartz is a crystalline mineral with an ordered atomic structure. Although there are several different types of Quartz, the most common form is clear crystal quartz (also known as rock crystal or Quartz Healing Stone). This formation can be found…

Top 35 Best Medicinal Plants In 2021

Medicinal Plants

More than 100,000 plant species globally, but only a fraction have been researched for medical applications. We have compiled a list of what we believe to be the most promising medicinal plants based on scientific research. 1. Aloe vera The aloe vera plant is…